Halloween Cheat Day

The Browne Beat
2 min readOct 1, 2020

Getting Back on Track After the Biggest Candy Night of the Year

Halloween may look different this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but that’s doesn’t mean the stores have not stocked the shelves with candy. Some may decide to go Trick ‘o Treating, while others may choose to stay home. Either way, we know candy is still going to be in everyone’s house. It’s perfectly fine to give in to the cravings and indulge in an evening of chocolate and candy bars, but once the calendar hits November 1, it’s time to get back on track, and here’s how.

  1. Detox with some greens. Give your body something healthy to snack on the next few days by eating lots of salad and veggies. Your body will be happy to have the added fiber.
  2. Workout. You just ate your daily dose of calories in one night. Help reverse some of that by getting a workout in the next day. Remember, a workout can never erase a bad diet, but accounting for some of those added calories will help.
  3. Save the candy for rewards. Whether it’s a reward to yourself when you increase your free weights or a reward for your kid when the ace their next exam, stash the candy away for this occasion. Remember, it goes back to moderation. Halloween candy doesn’t need to be consumed on Halloween night.
Variety of candy bars
Photo by Vishnu Mk on Unsplash

One of the biggest mistakes people make is cutting out everything that is “bad” for them, but that is nearly impossible to maintain. Everyone needs to give in to those cravings from time to time. From the wise mind of one of my personal trainers, “you’ll end up eating a lot more trying to suppress the craving than giving in to it.” Therefore, instead of going on a candy binge the night of Halloween, allow those candy morsels every so often. And if you are one of the few going into an office, filling up that candy dish for your coworkers is a great way to get rid of some excess candy.



The Browne Beat

Aurora Browne is a freelance writer in Tampa Bay. She shares stories on health and wellness, as well as brand features. She is also a dog enthusiast.